Topical legal content articles for marketing family law

With a constant stream of case law relating to divorce and family law emanating from the courts, it is important to keep your website up to date if you are to be seen as a leader in your field.  But, how easy is it to find the time to write marketing articles when you are busy representing the best interest of your clients?

 A monthly subscription to the family law articles from the Berners legal content library will ensure that you have all the marketing content that your law firm needs to keep your website up to date, populate client newsletters and provide topical material for social media.

 We get fantastic feedback from our clients about the quality of our legal content, so why not take a look and request a free sample.

Previous legal topics

Examples of the family law topics issued to our subscribers over the last six months include:

The advantages of mediation to resolve a family dispute

  • an overview of the mediation process;
  • types of disputes mediation can help to resolve;
  • the key advantages of the mediation process over going to court; and
  • situations where mediation may be an unsuitable option.

Breach of a child arrangement order

  • How a breach can impact a child;
  • Consequences if you breach an order;
  • Options if your former partner breaches the order; 
  • Likely costs order if the matter is brought back to court. 

Will divorce effect my mortgage?

  • Look at 3 most common routes
  • You sell the house;
  • You keep the house;
  • Your spouse keeps the house;
  • What if the house is in negative equity?.

Post-nuptial agreements & your family business

  • What is a post-nuptial agreement and reasons one might be suggested;
  • Benefits to the business;
  • Options on what the agreement can deal with;
  • Advice to protect future of business & livelihood of the non-owner spouse as well.

Is my prenuptial agreement binding?

  • will the family court uphold a prenuptial agreement?
  • factors which could affect the validity of your prenup;
  • making changes to an existing agreement; and
  • applying to the court to disregard a prenuptial agreement on divorce.

Reconciliation; can we change our minds about getting a divorce?

  • when is the latest opportunity to stop a divorce?
  • what are my options during the divorce process?
  • trial reconciliation and formal separations; and
  • supporting your children through the change.

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