Content from Berners Marketing catapults Bradbury Roberts & Raby to top of Google search

When Bradbury Roberts & Raby asked Berners Marketing to help them create new legal content for their website, the brief was simple: they wanted legally accurate, well written and easy to understand text that was sufficiently attractive to the internet search engines to get them noticed online. And they wanted it fast!

BRRLaw.jpgBerners Marketing was able to create content that not only met the deadline and the brief but exceeded all client expectation. As Debbie Connolly, Marketing Manager at Bradbury Roberts & Raby explains:

‘We needed legal content for a completely new web section and downloadable material.

I knew of Berners good reputation from their work with other law firms and I wasn't disappointed. I've never before had so much original content that required so few amends, it was almost ready to go at first draft!

It was also SEO-friendly, so we're now top of Google search results for those services. The Berners Marketing team is flexible and will work around your requirements.

I'd highly recommend them as a provider of legal content, they offer excellent value for money.’

If you require help producing great legal content, please call us on 01785 859 995 or email to find out how we can help.

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