News & views
12Apr '22

THE LEGAL AID MARKET: Challenges for publicly funded immigration and asylum legal representation, by Jo Wilding, Policy Press, B
Sue Bramall reviews The Legal Aid Market by Jo Wilding for The Law Society Gazette which explores the challenges for publicly funded immigration and asylum representation.
- Book review
05Aug '21

The Diversity Style Guide, by Rachele Kanigel
The Diversity Style Guide, by Rachele Kanigel, aims to help journalists and other media professionals ‘cover a complex, multicultural world with accuracy, authority and sensitivity’
- Book review
- Diversity & inclusion
- Editorial Style Guides
- Legal writing tips
06Jun '18

Book Review - Clarity for Lawyers, Effective Legal Language, by Mark Adler and Daphne Perry (first published in Professional Mar
“This book should be obligatory reading for every law student, every lawyer who would like to improve their communication skills, and every communications professional who works with lawyers.” Sue Bramall
- Book review
- Legal writing tips
13Nov '17

Book Review - Leading Professionals: Power, Politics and Prima Donnas, by Laura Empson (First published in the Law Society Gazet
In her most recent book review, Sue Bramall looks at Laura Empson’s ‘Leading Professionals: Power, Politics and Prima Donnas’.
- Law Consultancy Network
- Book review
- Law firm marketing
07Feb '17
UK Government Green Paper - Building our industrial strategy
Alongside the international wheeling and dealing inside and outside of Europe, the UK government is also working on domestic matters.
- Book review
- Marketing strategy
14Oct '16
Book review - Making a Splash: A personal guide to networking, by Rashmi Dubé (First published in the Law Society Gazette
In her latest book review, Sue Bramall looks at Rashmi Dubé’s ‘Making a splash: A personal guide to networking’.
- Book review
16May '16

Book Review: Knowledge Management for Lawyers by Patrick DiDomenico
"As my main interest is in the marketing of legal services, I was disappointed that the overlap between knowledge management, marketing, business development and client relations was not explored in more detail."
- Book review
- Knowledge management